Boy Falls Asleep While Accompanying His Father To Work, Netizens Offer To Support Store & Send Supplies

Boy falls asleep while accompanying his father

Many who grew up with parents running small businesses might recall having to help out – or just stick around during work hours. While this means getting to spend time with the fam and to meet new people, it can also get pretty tiring as the day wears on.

Take this young boy, for example, who was spotted sleeping at his father’s ice cream stall due to the cool, rainy weather. According to his father – who runs the stall to help support his family – his children often teman him at work. But one day, his youngest son was found dozing off while ‘at work’. 

Boy falls asleep at his father’s ice-cream stall

The owner of Mr Joe Ice Cream in Kedah, Mohd Ridzuan Azmi shared a video on his TikTok account @suparjoe146 of his youngest son, who goes by the nickname Daffa, sound asleep under the counter of his dessert stand.

The video starts with Daffa shivering due to the cooler weather while he was accompanying his father to work. He presumably starts to feel drowsy due to the low temperature, and was discovered by his father fast asleep on a plastic chair.

Image credit: @suparjoe146

In an interview with mStar, Mohd Ridzuan said that it was not just Daffa who always insisted on accompanying him to work at his stall, but also his two other sons, who are ten and seven years old.

He described his sons as extremely independent – they much preferred to help him at his ice cream stall so he never had to hire a nanny to look after them while he was working.

He also added that he is very close to his sons, joking that they are like his “tail” who followed him everywhere – including to his workplace. 

Image credit: @suparjoe146

Netizens sends their support and wishes

When asked why he recorded his son dozing off at his stall, Mohd Ridzuan told mStar that he recorded it as a memory to be kept and looked back on. He never thought that the TikTok video would gain the attention and sympathy of so many as it has.

Image credit: @suparjoe146

Indeed, the video caught the attention of several caring Malaysians, such as this TikTok user who offered to provide some materials for his kids to feel more comfortable at the stall. Though thankful for the thoughtful gesture, Mohd Ridzuan responded that he was unable to accept it due to the distance between them.

Image credit: @suparjoe146

A few netizens also suggested that he keep some long-sleeved tops around for his son, as the weather of late has been unpredictable. Some also expressed their well wishes for Mohd Ridzuan and his family, after seeing his son spend a tiring day of working with his father.

Image credit: @suparjoe146

Grateful for the immense amount of support he received from the public, Mohd Ridzuan posted another TikTok video. In it, he thanked everyone for their kind wishes for his family, as well as their suggestions, writing in the captions, “Thank you for all your kind wishes and advice on my latest video. Bless you all”.

Sons help their father out at his business

While the video of such a young child sleeping at his father’s workplace might break our hearts a little, it is also extremely heartwarming to see a family so willing to be there for each other. 

If you happen to be in the area, consider supporting his small business. We hope for the best for Mohd Ridzuan and his family, and that his business may continue to flourish. 

Read more here: 

Cover image adapted from: @suparjoe146
