Mechanic Repairs Motorcycle Despite Being Bedridden, Determined To Continue His Passion & Earn A Living Independently

Bedridden man repairs motorcycle to earn a living

The lives of people with disabilities can be incredibly challenging. As they have to work a lot harder than able-bodied individuals to earn an income and live independently, it’s not easy for them to keep their chins up. But that isn’t the case for Mohamad Zulkarnain Mustafa. Despite being paralysed from waist down after a tragic accident, the mechanic is determined to continue his passion of fixing motorcycles to help ease his family’s financial burden.

Paraplegic man with a tenacious spirit

While many of us able-bodied individuals complain about getting out of our beds for work, 27-year-old Mohamad Zulkarnain Mustafa is determined to work from his bed despite his physical disability.

Local news site Harian Metro first reported the plight of the young mechanic from Teluk Intan, Perak, on 21st May 2023. He was involved in a near-fatal car accident nearly 8 years ago. The horrible car crash had paralysed Zulkarnain from the waist down at a tender age of 19, leaving him bedridden for the rest of his life.

Image credit: Harian Metro via YouTube

But that unfortunate twist of fate did not dampen his persistence to continue pursuing his passion of repairing motorcycles, and earning a living out of the profession. Even with his shortcomings, Zulkarnain was set on not letting his skills go to waste. He emphasised that he wanted to be as independent as he is able, instead of wasting his days away.

“I used to sell fried chicken at a pasar malam, and at the same time, I would fix motorcycle parts back at home”, he explained. Zulkarnain also said that he had decided to continue fixing motorcycles after a full year of recovering from the accident, as he would like to earn extra income to ease his family’s financial burden.

Fixing motorcycle parts makes him happy even though the income is not much

Image credit: Harian Metro via YouTube

Zulkarnain works in a space right outside his house, where his family would help push his bed to. When asked about his choice of working from his bed instead of a wheelchair, Zulkarnain explained to Harian Metro that sitting for long periods of time in a wheelchair would give him sores, as well as other health issues like gastric and indigestion.

“I am much more comfortable working from my bed than on a wheelchair”, he quipped to the Malay tabloid in a video. In fact, the bed is the exact same one Zulkarnain sleeps in, so he makes sure to keep it clean even while working.

Image credit: Harian Metro via YouTube

“It gets tough sometimes, especially when there are vehicle parts that are hard to reach. I do my best by tilting my body sideways from my bed. If it is impossible for me to reach, I would get help from others”, he went on to explain. He also shared that he is indebted to his brother, Mohamad Hazarul Nizam, who is like his “hands and legs”.

Hazarul helps him out by dismantling and reassembling motorcycle parts and cleaning the tires, chain, and black oil. Zulkarnain would then repair the engine, whilst sharing his knowledge with Hazarul.

Image credit: Harian Metro via YouTube

Due to his limited mobility, Zulkarnain admitted that it can be a bit of a struggle to get certain tasks done fast, but he is extremely grateful that his customers are always understanding about his situation. He shared with Harian Metro that “There aren’t that many motorcycles for me to fix and repair, only about one or two motorcycles in a month. We live in a rather rural village, and there are other motorcycle repair workshops nearby”.

Image credit: Harian Metro via YouTube

Nevertheless, Zulkarnain expressed his gratitude and appreciation for those who decided to trust him with their vehicles. “I am always grateful that there are friends and fellow villagers who are willing to send their motorcycles over for me to service and repair, and this makes me very happy even though my income is not much”.

A fighter despite his disabilities

As much as Zulkarnian is strong-willed in earning his own livelihood independently, we’re sure he would be grateful for any form of assistance and kindness extended to him. A true fighter at heart, he is someone we really applaud for his unwavering spirit that inspires.

If you would like to help Zulkarnian out, do reach out and contact through this number: 013-8065391.

For more stories like this one, read about this former para-athlete who sells fire extinguishers to get by, and a man on crutches who helps to pick trash during flash floods.

Cover image adapted from: Harian Metro via YouTube
