MySejahtera Now Displays Vaccination & Risk Status During Check-ins In Latest Update To Help Save Time

MySejahtera update to include check-in details

More businesses have now reopened to serve the fully vaccinated, with 47.2% of Malaysia’s total population now having gotten two Covid-19 vaccine doses. A new standard operating procedure (SOP) for these individuals, before they can enter a premise, is showing their vaccination status that can be found on the MySejahtera app.

In a long-awaited, new update for the contact-tracing app, each individual’s vaccination status will now be displayed during check-in at each location they are wishing to patronise. It will also display the user’s risk level to notify others if they are Covid-19 close or casual contacts, alongside a new check-out feature.

Vaccination and risk status shown during check-ins

The new MySejahtera update, and its features, was announced by Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin on his verified Twitter account on 2nd September 2021.

He shared that the update will be pushed out by the team behind the government’s MySejahtera app – which has been helping those in Malaysia navigate the Covid-19 pandemic. It will include updates to ease Malaysians’ lives during the pandemic, such as the vaccination status and risk level of an individual when they are checking in, or scanning a location’s QR code, for contact tracing with the app.

Image adapted from: @Khairykj

Several photos Khairy shared with the announcement showed what the update will look like upon release. Alongside the unchanged check-in details that include the location, name, date and time of the individual, there will now be an additional two boxes to indicate their vaccination and risk status.

If you are fully vaccinated, a newly added yellow box will reflect this. If not, the box will be in white with the words “Not Vaccinated” under the vaccination status. Likewise, there will be a blue box to identify individuals who are low-risk, and which will turn red if they are classified as high risk, or are close or casual contacts with a confirmed Covid-19 patient.

Image adapted from: @Khairykj

Besides being able to easily access these statuses now, we can also use another new feature in the app too – a check-out button.

According to this tweet by Khairy, this button will require individuals to tap the button with the words “check-out” when they are leaving a premise. But no further scanning of the QR code will be required. This will now be another routine that individuals must add while they are out, and are reminded to do so.

The individual’s risk level and vaccination status will also be displayed during check-out.

The update will be clarified and improved upon over the coming weeks.

A check by TheSmartLocal Malaysia at the time of writing this article shows the update now available for download for iPhone users on the App Store, but is yet to be made available on Google Play Store for Android users.

MySejahtera now displays risk & vaccination status during check-in

Malaysians have been keeping their smartphones close to their sides even before the pandemic struck. Now, it’s something that we have to whip out often to use the MySejahtera app too whenever we’re going out for groceries or more.

So we’re glad to see these new updates to the MySejahtera app, which will make it even easier to use, and help manage the pandemic as more businesses are now reopening in our country.

Read more here:

Cover image adapted from: @Khairykj
