M’sian Boy Cannot Tahan Seeing Pavilion Mall Scattered With Trash, So He Picks Them Up Himself

M’sian boy picks up trash at Pavilion Mall 

Image adapted from: @itsjustniel and Kuala Lumpur

Littering is often said to be a serious habit of Malaysians. When left unchecked, trash pollute our environment, and eventually end up turning an atas avenue like Pavilion Mall into an unsightly scene.

Two boys who were hanging out at Pavilion Mall one day, realised that trash was scattered everywhere at the grand staircase near its entrance. On Sunday (Jul 27), Twitter user @Durk shared a video that showed them at the stairs – a popular lepak spot for visitors – scattered with trash.

Image credit: @itsjustniel

Durk’s viral tweet has since garnered over 14,000 retweets and 11,000 likes.

Popular Pavilion staircase strewn with trash

In the 1-min video, you could see tissue papers, empty plastic bottles, and crumpled paper strewn across the steps. Perhaps the most shocking part of it all, was how there was a large crowd, yet none of them paid any attention to the litter.

Durk’s friend was visibly annoyed when he looked around. After voicing out his frustration at the situation, he stood up and went around picking up nearby trash.

Image credit: @itsjustniel

The video continues to show the young lad carrying all the trash in his hands as he made his way into the mall. He found a trash can and properly disposed the litter.

Image credit: @itsjustniel

At the end of the video, Durk’s friend sent a message to us Malaysians saying that we need to clean the Earth now.

Netizens applaud their good deed

Fellow netizens praised the boy for helping to clean up the staircase at Pavilion Mall and at the same time, shared how Malaysians need to be more environmentally conscious.

This user said Malaysians have the mentality of letting cleaners clean up the mess because it’s their jobs.

Image credit: @atiraaahmajid

Her tweet in Malay can be translated as:

I’ve done the same but people have the mindset or mentality of “Let the cleaners do it. They’re being paid for it”. I’m sorry but I hate this. What’s wrong about throwing trash into the rubbish bin?

Another Twitter user urged Malaysians to change our attitude and start being civilised folks. As our country is expected to welcome more tourists next year with the Visit Malaysia 2020 campaign, he thinks Malaysians should show them our good side.

Image credit: @SamFrazad

Fellow Twitter user said that you shouldn’t be embarrassed for being the one to keep things clean. Those who litter should be the ones feeling embarrassed.

Image credit: @iqmal_kiefli

Clean up after yourselves

Malaysians need to start cleaning up after themselves instead of throwing their mess wherever that is most convenient. And if you do come across litter, be a good civilian and help throw them into the trash can.

Let’s not practise the mentality where we always expect cleaners to clean up after us. It isn’t difficult to keep clean, so let’s kick the littering habit so that one day, all our streets will be well-maintained and more importantly, free of trash.

Amber Lee: