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Double Rainbow Appears In Penang, Penangnites Say It’s A Symbol Of Good Fortune

Double rainbow seen in Penang is a breathtaking marvel

Double rainbow in Penang
Double rainbow in Penang
Image adapted from: @philcalam

Malaysia has been seeing better days during the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO). There’s just 2 red zones left nationwide and a whopping 92.4% recovery rate for COVID-19 cases, as reported by KKM. Those in Penang also have some extra celebrations in order, with zero active cases and new cases recorded in over a month.

In what seems to be a sign of even more good days to come, a rare double rainbow stretching wide across Penang’s skies was spotted by several Penang langs on 17th June 2020.

Magical sighting of double rainbow in Penang

In this day and age of social media, anyone who sees a rainbow will whip out their phones to document the sight. And you can be sure that if it’s a double rainbow, we’d snap more than a dozen pictures of the stunning visuals to share on our Facebook and Instagram pages, as many Penang netizens have done.

For starters, Phil Calam managed to score a stunning shot of the double rainbow over the Straits of Malacca from The Light Waterfront Penang in George Town with just an iPhone. You can even see the Penang Bridge below the impressively long rainbow in his photo.

Double rainbow in Penang
Image adapted from: @philcalam

Facebook user 蕻仁 also shared a photo of the double rainbow from what looks to be his apartment’s balcony. It showed a solid rainbow and another faint one just above it forming a magical, wide arch against gloomy skies after the rain.

No photo description available.
Image credit: 蕻仁

And while she was slightly further away from the waterfront, Facebook user Cho Y. H Irene also managed to snag a shot of the same rainbow while in Jalan Dato Keramat. She called the double rainbow “a sign of good fortune.”

No photo description available.
Image credit: Cho Y. H Irene

Netizen John McCaskie took to a public Facebook group called Penang Walkabouts to post his cool snaps of the rainbow emerging from Pearl Hill. It led other netizens who also had their own snaps of it to share their photos in the comments’ section, with user Siew Allen adding that he spotted the same rainbow from Tanjung Tokong.

Double rainbowImage adapted from: John McCaskie & Siew Allen 

Further showcasing the full rainbow over Penang’s skies, Shervone Yo took a video of it to prove that the thing was indeed real and not photoshopped. In the video, someone could be heard saying “wow” several times, and commenting on how it was the biggest and most beautiful rainbow he had ever seen.

Twitter user @ShUwUba also shared a cool panoramic photo of the double rainbow, and even said that he’s “Never seen rainbows go this wide in Penang. I’ve always only seen half rainbows.”

ImageImage credit: @ShUwUba 

Double rainbow in Penang leaves Penangnites in awe

While double rainbows are not as rare as it seems, as reported by How Stuff Works, it does mean double the fun for those who enjoy spotting one in the skies. Of course seeing photos and videos of the magical sight will never beat the joy of witnessing the double rainbow in real life, but we’re more than thankful for social media and the Penangnites who documented the scene to share with everyone else.

For more epic shots of Malaysia during MCO: