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JPSKL Says Garbage In Drains Is A Cause Of KL Flash Floods, Urges M’sians To Keep City Clean

JPSKL raises issue of garbage in drains

Malaysians are becoming more environmentally conscious these days, with many even going zero waste to minimise their trash output. But there are bound to be litterbugs who still haven’t wrapped their heads around the effects of irresponsibly thrown garbage.

To highlight this issue, the Department of Irrigation and Drainage Kuala Lumpur (JPSKL) shared photos of alarming heaps of garbage that had blocked drains in KL after the flash floods on 18th December 2021.

Heaps of garbage spotted following flood

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Dataran Merdeka during the flood on 18th December
Image credit: JPS WP Kuala Lumpur

On 21st December, JPSKL took to their Facebook account to raise the issue of irresponsible littering that causes garbage to clogs drains under the supervision of JPSKL.

In a Facebook post, they said that litter is one factor of increasing flash floods observed in the city. This is likely due to litter washing down drains and clogging them in heavy downpours, which may lead to massive flooding in neighbourhoods.

As such, JPSKL called upon Malaysians to keep our environment and rivers clean.

Garbage after flood - garbageImage credit: JPS WP Kuala Lumpur

Eight photos shared by JPSKL along with their plea for the public to take notice of the issue showed just how much garbage are not properly disposed and end up in our rivers and drains.

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Image credit: JPS WP Kuala Lumpur

Mountains of waste and debris – comprising plastic bags, bottles, and more – surfaced after the flood waters have slowly been receding in affected areas, with much of it stuck in fences, and piled up on river banks and in waterways.

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Image credit: JPS WP Kuala Lumpur

Netizens debate on garbage issue

The Facebook post by JPSKL had many debating on the issue of garbage in drains as a cause of the floods. Many called upon the authorities to take better corrective and preventive actions to tackle the problem.

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Image credit: Facebook 

Some pointed out that this wasn’t the first incident. One netizen commented, “Same story every year. But what preventive measures are being taken?”

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Image credit: Facebook 

Others have also shared similar photos of their own. One Facebook user shared an image with the caption, “One location near the flood reservoir in Sungai Midah. Everything is here, even black garbage bags haha.”

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Image credit: Facebook 

Several, however, debated that there are many causes to the issue, but that we can be more responsible as humans and help do our parts.

This netizen commented on the road litter issue, “Why do we not learn from our mistakes? We should each take initiative to begin [good disposal habits] without waiting for others. Just keep your garbage in the car for a while until you are able to throw it properly”.

JPSKL raises issue of garbage in drains

Littering is, unfortunately, an issue that remains in our society. Whether or not it contributes to the regular flooding in our country, the photos shared by JPSKL show that there is indeed much more that needs to be done to avoid situations such as these.

As citizens, let us do our parts by always being responsible for our trash.

Read more here:

Cover image adapted from: JPS WP Kuala Lumpur and JPS WP Kuala Lumpur