Malaysia sanitises streets nationwide
Malaysia begins mass sanitising of streets
Image adapted from: @KKMPutrajaya
The number of COVID-19 cases in Malaysia has been increasing by 3-digit numbers each day. With an extended Movement Control Order (MCO) taking place in Malaysia till 14th April 2020, there’s an increased amount of efforts that are a welcomed sight in the country.
In a move to combat the virus just like how China has been doing, Malaysia has finally started mobilising nationwide sanitising of streets and public areas as of 30th March 2020. Local authorities have banded together to douse red zones with sanitiser to get rid of the virus for good.
Nationwide efforts to sanitise streets
Image credit: @KKMPutrajaya
As reported by The Star, these sanitisation efforts will be carried out simultaneously on 30th March, and will cover all states in Malaysia. It’ll focus on areas frequented by the public, such as food stalls, bus stations, and wet markets, so Malaysians can leave their homes for essentials without being too worried.
Dedicated volunteers in Penang and Johor will also now have an extra helping hand in keeping the public safe with local authorities now involved for this mass-scale sanitisation. This includes the Fire and Rescue Department (JBPM), Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF), and Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL), that will deploy personnel to spray sanitiser from vehicles and on foot.
Image credit: @KKMPutrajaya
Focusing on red zones in Malaysia
Trucks fitted with jets to efficiently spray sanitiser on streets in KL
Image credit: @KKMPutrajaya
With 13 red zones and Enhanced MCO announced in parts of Malaysia, efforts to sanitise streets have already started before 30th March.
This includes Sri Petaling Mosque where Malaysia’s largest cluster case had originated from. The Ministry of Health (MOH) had previously announced on Twitter that sanitising operations had been carried out here by 100 DBKL and Alam Flora personnel on 28th March.
According to The Star, hot spot areas in Perak, Shah Alam, Johor, Melaka, and Selangor have also started disinfection as early as 23rd March to ensure the public’s safety.
Malaysia sanitises its streets nationwide
With COVID-19 cases on the rise in Malaysia, we’re glad to see the efforts of the government in keeping the community clean and safe for those who still need to leave their homes for work and others who have to get essentials.
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