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17,405 New Covid-19 Cases In M’sia On 28th July, Breaking Previous Record High By 360 Cases

17,405 new Covid-19 cases in Malaysia on 28th July

Vaccination rates have been breaking records in the country, with a high of 553,871 Covid-19 vaccine doses administered on 27th July 2021 – the highest number yet. Unfortunately, daily cases in Malaysia have also seen an uptick, with 17,405 new nationwide Covid-19 cases reported on 28th July 2021, which is the highest daily count recorded ever.

10,051 Covid-19 cases in KL and Selangor

Of the total daily cases recorded today, Selangor reported the highest number of daily cases in a state nationwide again, with 7,171 new cases. Following after is Kuala Lumpur, with another staggering total of 2,880 new cases recorded, and Kedah with 1,112 new cases.

Sabah (913), Negeri Sembilan (863), Johor (767) and Penang (760) also recorded high daily counts today, 28th July.

Perlis (3), Labuan (16) and Putrajaya (68) are the only areas in Malaysia with new daily cases falling below the 100 mark.

Covid 19 28th July - cases per state
Image credit: @KKMPutrajaya

Today’s daily cases form the highest daily count in the country since the start of the pandemic. It’s also an increase of 1,288 cases compared to yesterday’s daily count of 16,117 – which was the 3rd highest daily count recorded.

Previous high of daily cases recorded was just 3 days ago, on 25th July, with 17,045 new cases reported on Sunday.

The addition of 17,405 new cases today puts the country’s total number of confirmed Covid-19 cases at 1,061,476.

Covid 19 28th July - highest Covid-19 count
Image credit: Noor Hisham Abdullah

On the other side of the fight against Covid-19 in Malaysia, JKJAV reported 553,871 vaccine doses administered on 27th July.

This is the highest daily vaccination figure so far since vaccination rollout began here.

All in all, 18,393,347 individuals of the total Malaysia population have received their vaccine jabs. Of this total, 12,487,441 (38.2%) individuals received their first doses of the vaccine, while another 5,905,906 (18.1%) are now fully vaccinated with their second doses received, as of 27th July.

Covid 19 28th July - vaccinationsImage credit: @JKJAVMY

Update: Today also sees a small win, with 12,373 recovered cases recorded the country, for a total of 877,812 (82.7%) total recovered cases, as reported by KKM.

Of today’s daily count, 17,399 are local cases while 6 were import cases.

143 new deaths puts the total number of people who died of complications from Covid-19 at 8,551.

There are currently 1,016 cases in the ICU, and 175,113 active cases in the country.

Covid-19 28th July Malaysia
Image credit: @KKMPutrajaya

17,405 new Covid-19 cases on 28th July marks yet another record high 

Each new day seems to bring about announcements by the government of record-breaking daily Covid-19 cases in the country. As Covid-19 numbers remain in the 5-digit figure in recent weeks, we should continue to follow SOPs and only leave our houses for essentials at this time so we can help bring cases down.

Read more here:

Cover image adapted from: Noor Hisham Abdullah and @JKJAVMY