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Army Personnel Helps Put On Mask & Gloves For An OKU Mak Cik Shopping Alone During MCO

Army officer helps OKU mak cik put on mask and gloves

army officer puts on mask for mak cik cover pic
An army officer helps an OKU mak cik to put on a mask before she goes grocery shopping
Image adapted from: Khairul Zulkefli

The authorities may be stern when it comes to dealing with errant Malaysians who don’t adhere to the Movement Control Order, but they’re not always rough around the edges. Whenever they come across someone in need, you can bet that these officers will do their best to help you out.

In a recent video that has been making its way around social media, a local army personnel who was stationed at an NSK outlet was seen walking over to a wheelchair-bound mak cik after noticing that she was unprotected without a mask on. With a mask and a pair of gloves in his hand, what he did next won the hearts of netizens everywhere.

Mak cik goes to the grocery store alone and unprotected

The viral video was posted on Facebook by Khairul Zuklefli, and it quickly garnered 30,000 shares in just less than a day.

facebook post
Image adapted from: Khairul Zulkefli

Zulkefli’s caption Malay translates to “This mak cik is an OKU. She wanted to go into NSK supermarket, but she didn’t have a mask, so we gave her a mask and a pair of gloves. She was shopping by herself with no one to help her. She could only go out on this grocery run after receiving money from Bantuan Prihatin Nasional. I pray that everything will come easy for her from now on.”

According to his Facebook page, Zulkefli works for the Ministry of Home Affairs and it can be assumed that he was also stationed at the NSK outlet where he met the mak cik. Along with his caption, he posted 2 short videos that documented the army officer lending the mak cik a helping hand while the 2nd showed the brief conversation he had with her.

army officer putting on mask on oku woman
Image adapted from: Khairul Zulkefli

In the 1st video, we see the army officer walking over to the mak cik in a wheelchair before proceeding to gently put on the mask he had brought on her. It was the sort that had to be tied at the back, and he appeared to take his time tying it so that the mask was securely in place.

army officer putting on gloves
Image adapted from: Khairul Zulkefli

After helping the mak cik put on the mask, the army officer then helped her put on a pair of gloves as an extra safety measure for when she browsed through groceries.

In the 2nd video, Zulkefli stopped the mak cik who was on her way back for a conversation. During the few minutes, he got to know that she would take her electric wheelchair from her house to the supermarket whenever she needed to buy groceries. When asked about the long distance from her home to the supermarket, she replied, “dah biasa” or “I’m used to it”.

The mak cik lives alone without any children or siblings, which is why she has to travel such long distances in her wheelchair in order to get necessities.

oku woman leaving
Image adapted from: Khairul Zulkefli

At one point, the mak cik was even worried that she had landed herself in trouble. Zulkefli was quick to reassure her that she had done nothing wrong and said, “mak cik tak buat salah pun.” After being told that she could leave, she zoomed past the roadblock that was stationed outside while giving Zulkefli a slight wave goodbye.

Kind army officer help elderly mak cik put on a mask

The elderly are among those who fall into the high-risk group when it comes to COVID-19 infections, so it’s understandable why the army officer was quick to act upon spotting the mak cik who arrived at the supermarket without a mask on.

While it’s unfortunate that the elderly mak cik has no caretakers or companions, we can only hope that the officers’ kind gestures will help cheer her up. It’s also a great PSA to remind us to help out those in need, especially at times of crisis as they’re usually the most affected.

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