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Customer Asks If RM60 Apple Tarts Have “Gold” & Demands Free Delivery, Chef Responds By Sharing Recipe Online

Chef shares apple tart recipe after receiving customer complain

Those who whip up baked goods know how laborious the task can be. However, if one is unfamiliar with the process, they may have questions about it – such as this customer who complained about how “expensive” RM60 apple tarts are to the bakery selling them.

She even questioned the bakery if “golden” apples are used for the tarts due to its high price tag, and later demanded for free delivery on her order as she lived nearby. The WhatApp conversation, which was later shared to Facebook and went viral, showed the bakery patiently responding to her questions, and even graciously sharing their recipe online so everyone at home could try it out.

Bakery responds to customer, who called apple tarts expensive

On 24th July 2021, Jian Wei Khoo took to Facebook to share screenshots of his WhatsApp conversation with the customer. His post has since gone viral with over 2,500 shares and reactions garnered at the time of writing.

Khoo said he shared the post because he was befuddled by the questions he received from the customer, who had several queries about apple tarts sold on the Instagram account, @mapomme__.

Customer complains about apple tart - chat
Image credit: Jian Wei Khoo

The customer amicably started off the conversation by complimenting the tarts, and asking about the size of it and how many apples are used to make it. However, after being told the price of the tart, and that each tart was made with approximately three Granny Smith green apples, she proceeded to complain about the “expensive” tarts.

In the screenshots shared by Khoo, the customer, who referred to herself as “aunty”, questioned the production cost of the tarts based off her own personal shopping experience, saying, “Only three apples? Why you all sell expensive tarts? Aunty go buy the apples 14 nos only for RM10 yesterday. Meaning your cost the apple only RM2.10 and you selling at RM60?????? (sic)”

She also calculated the perceived “profits” of the dessert shop, adding, “Will there be over charge and some more not including free delivery? I stay at Klang only cannot free delivery? You all earn so much (sic).”

Customer complains about apple tart - chat
Image credit: Jian Wei Khoo

Khoo patiently explained that they only used large apples, ground almond and pure butter in their tart recipe, which is why the production costs are high. They were also unable to offer free delivery, as they relied on external delivery services such as Lalamove to deliver their baked goods to their customers.

Customer complains about apple tart - chat
Image credit: Jian Wei Khoo

After that, the customer sarcastically asked if their apples “got gold?” too, presumably because she felt that the RM60 price tag was not justifiable.

But in the end, the aunty decided to place an order for the tarts, but with further demands. She insisted that she was entitled to free delivery as she stayed at Klang Utama, near an Econsave, which is “a walkable distance” from their shop’s location.

To put it into perspective for the business, she said that she used to walk to school, and hence they could do it as well.

However, a check by Khoo on Google Maps showed that walking there would take about an hour and 16 minutes, as the distance was about 6.2km.

Other requests the aunty had included pressing the chef to whip up a delicious tart so she could help promote their business to her friends by sending them a slice, as she knew a lot of “aunties”. She also asked that the delivery service personnel not ring her doorbell upon delivery, and to call her phone “until she picked up”, as her daughter, tired from work, is usually asleep.

Chef shares recipe with everyone online

Due to several netizens’ curiosity over how the incident ended, Khoo responded to a comment clearing things up. According to this comment, he said they didn’t end up doing business with her, as they only did preorders and she had placed an order last minute. He was also worried that she would only bring more complaints after receiving her order.

Customer complains about apple tart - comment
Image credit: Facebook

Likewise, Khoo also took to the comment’s section to share the recipe for the tart in question for anyone interested to try it out. It came with a measured ingredients list, and several helpful steps to follow.

When asked why he decided to share the recipe, as he would potentially end up losing business, Khoo pointed out that the recipe isn’t a secret, and that experience and skills are needed to make a delicious tart.

Customer complains about apple tart - comment
Image credit: Facebook

Chef posts RM60 apple tart recipe online after receiving complain from customer

It’s unfortunate to see individuals making unnecessary demands of businesses, going as far as to question the behind-the-scenes process without understanding the full picture. But it is indeed great to see individuals such as Khoo offering his recipe up for free online, showing that time and effort should be accounted for, besides production costs, when it comes to whipping up treats and more for sale.

Read more here:

Cover image adapted from: @mapomme__ and Jian Wei Khoo